Theopolitical Topics

Rich has several programs that deal with the issues we face today in our country, especially before elections and past Fortnight for Freedom events. Many include patriotic, choreographed slides to music.

We are at a real crossroads for our country, a country founded on Judeo-Christian ethics – with moral norms that are now being challenged and ‘respect for human life’ issues at stake.

All Christians have a responsibility to stand up for what is true and right. And one of the best ways we can do this, as the Church has continuously encouraged us to – is to be involved in promoting political candidates that stand up for Christian moral and social principles – and to defend religious freedom. No matter what denomination, Christians have the responsibility to participate in building up and influencing the moral character of our society.

What are these principles?

We must first understand the ‘signs of the times’ we are living in. What are the major forces or undercurrents at work today in our society? There is a crisis of truth today -- the death of morality, the end of democracy as we have come to know it, a problem of secularism and relativism, especially as it relates to the Gospel and Catholic / Christian social teachings.

How well are we prepared to evaluate the issues and make the proper candidate selections? It is important we understand how to deal with multiple complex social issues such as the war, health care, and abortion. What should be our priorities?

For Catholics, Rich discusses the basic tenets of Catholic social teachings including the critical pro-life issues. He also covers the role the Church and the Catholic voter have in the political arena. Key paragraphs from past USCCB documents on Faithful Citizenship are reviewed, focusing on respect for life … the protection of the unborn, euthanasia, destruction of human embryos, human cloning and traditional marriage. This includes our responsibility for a well-formed conscience.

There is also a spiritual dimension to this battle as well – it’s a battle for souls – a battle between principalities, as St. Paul writes to. Prayer is a critical aspect.